Monday, November 08, 2010

A purpose driven life.....

 It All Starts with God
I started reading last night. Chapter 1 is not really a new thing for me. I've seen, heard but not sure if i really fully understand the deeper meaning. But that is what im reading the book for - to find my purpose here on earth.
The first few lines captured my attention after a few times looking at it
The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind or even your happiness. It's far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God.

Chapter 1 teaches me not to be self centered. Not to start with ourselves. i have not fully comsume all this but its a start to learn  and unserstand.

Point to ponder : It's not about me
Suddenly i remembered what normally happen is we would say , I WANT a job that i can still have my own time , I WANT a husband who is a family man, I WANT a simple life but makes me happy. I WANT this, .... I WANT it to be that way... Owhh how nice if only its like this... bla bla bla a never ending complain with wishes : ) but once you got what you WANT, it doesnt really make you happy after all... and we start to search and I WANT for more. I wouldnt say this as greed, i personally will say becouse you still havent found that peace within you.

You are not an accident
Read the chapter early morning before going to work. Really its a simple task, only a few pages to read. Simple yet very deep. Chapter 2 tells us about how we are born becouse God has planned it. it is not an accident that we are here on earth. We are who we are; our physical, character, personality -- all of it is planned accordingly. There is a WHY, why i have fair skin, black hair, these eyes, character and personality. Does this mean i should not care what others thought of me for this is how God wanted me to be..??

Point to ponder : I am not an accident

Life here on earth is just like a long vacation with a lot of hard work and struggles. Some visas tend to expire when we least expect it but what matter most is i have my two feet on the ground. With two feet on the ground, i need to find my inner peace. Trouble and worries God has got all the answer which i need to knock his reception counter and ask for assistant : )

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