Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Purpose Driven Life Day #3

What Drives Your Life

1. Many people are driven by guilt
2. Many people are driven by resentment and anger
3. Many people are driven by fear
4. Many people are driven by materialism
5. Many people are driven by the need of approval

Based on these 5 point, i would say my life is basically driven by no.1 and no.3. The other 3, im so sure, doesnt play a big role
I have memories which in the future becomes one of my fear. But one thing for sure is that i never let my guilt make me disconnected from God. Sins are things that make me aware of the presence of God. I do make mistakes but at the end of the day or during that time, you'll always know you have done something wrong. It is a struggle to live a sinless life.
Things to remember :
We are products of our past but we don't have to be prisoners of it
Fear driven people often miss great opportunities becouse they are afraid to venture out. Fear is a self imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends you to be. You must move againts it with weapons of faith and love

After 40 chapters, i would want to have the benefits of purpose driven living. Why?
1. it gives me meaning
2. simplifies my life
3. focuses my life
4. motivates my life
5. prepares me for eternity

Point to ponder : Living on purpose is the path to peace

After reading the benefits of purpose driven life, there's a like deja-vu feeling - Like this is what i wanted and searching for quite somethime. I do know that we have to put our trust in God, I belive in Christ Jesus, i know that life on earth is just temporaly, all those things you read is like just at the back of your head but I do not know how to fit the puzzle. Its like a very big puzzle but missing a piece, and i feel i'm stuck.

The book says that without a clear purpose, you will keep changing directions, jobs, relationship, churches or other external, hoping each change will settle the confusion or fill the emptiness in your  heart. You may think, Maybe this time it will be different, but it doesn't solve your real problem - a lack of focus and purpose.
That is the dilema im facing at the moment. My job. After 2 years doing it, i dont see my purpose. i got other offfer, recomendations but when you pray , think and i believe God is directing me to tinkk all about this : Will it make you happy after this? Are you sure?
I pray and hope to get an answer soon, to find the piece i lost, to be able to see the bigger picture.

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