Friday, November 12, 2010

Purpose Driven Life Day #6

Life is a temporary assignment

Yes !! Agree.
I've seen loved ones go, heard people i know suddenly passed away. Either you are sick or not sick, you will never know when you are going to die. But in reality, everyone will go through it. Not all of us will grow and become successful, own a lot of money, be happy, feel sadness, become popular or even be an athelete. But most of us will go through 2 things; being born and die.

When you see those we know leave us behind for good, you'll realise all the possesions and  loved ones are left behind. Some people might believe that is the end of it but most religion believe there is a life after here. So does mine. And i do believe there is. If you are not a believer but believe spirits and ghosts kindly explain why do they exists. Things that are unseen are hard for us to believe. That is why i think some people do not beleive in God. Others may be born a christian but most of them are just 'parking' themselves and following the crowd.

I am here on earth for just a little while...........

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