Thursday, November 11, 2010

Purpose Driven Life Day #5

Seeing Life from God's View

The way you see your life shapes your life. That is a good reminder. I see my life as there's no happiness in my work. My work really drag me down emotionally. I do not enjoy what i'm doing, I don't see the joy. I feel like a statue. Working in a big company, being the head in my department is not really what im after for. Some people might want to be on the top, showing others how successful they are, how brilliant they are, but as for me, i would want it just to be simple.

I have been down for the past few months. Pleading God that He may bring me away from all this. Then in a snap, i received another job offer. Wow that was a quick one. But decision is not as simple as ABC. If i were in my early twenties, yes, it would be nice to jump around, here and there, searching for what i want. Deep down in my heart, i know that im searching for something. It felt like there's a hole in my heart, like the big puzzle in life where i lost one piece.

This Chapter asks us about What is your view of life? Even up to this point i can't figure that out. Life for me is surely not a party (i do enjoy a good company) , its not a race (i'm not desperate to get to the top management), and to me its not a marathon. I'm just happy gathering with families, having just simple and relax life.

Point to ponder : Life is a test and trust
I accept that what happen in my life is a test from God. In times of us feeling down we can talk to anyone but the Word of God is the one who really can help us understand and feel better. Seeking for God's intervention something really test your patience, but they always say to be faithful for the reward is not here.

Question to consider :What happen to me recently that i now realize was a test from God?
I am very down emotionally becouse of work. Then I received  a new job offer and it is a very tough decision.

Verse to remember : Unless you are very faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones

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