Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Purpose Driven Life Day #9

What Makes God Smile?

.. is for me to trust Him. Trust Him that in times of bad situation, in times when i'm emotionally down, they will always be a rainbow at the end. I trust Him that He will send the right man for me..
I havent got the time to read the book for 2 days. Always stopped by something else which came up spontaneously, and ii dont have the  idea what happen, i just didnt read the book. So i guess i'm delayed for 2 days. I could have just read the whole 3 chapters for today but  i decided to read it slowly.

May God give me a heart of worship for my each day on earth, that I may trust and have faith in Him completely.......

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Purpose Driven Life Day #8

Planned for God's Pleasure

A very interesting thought of the day. Dedicate your daily routine to God Work becomes worship when you dedicate it to God and perform it in awareness of his presence.

What ever you do,,,, work at it with all your heart, as wroking for the Lord, not for men.
Worship is far more than music
Worship is not for your benefit. Worship is not part of your life, it is your life

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Purpose Driven Life Day #7

The reason for everything

Everything comes fom God alone/ Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory
... the Lord has made everything for his own purpose....

There's a purpose i'm here. There is a reason for everything that had happen. In times of me being emotionally drown, there is a purpose and a reason. One day i'll see that all this has made me stronger and wiser.  Bring glory to the Father for that is the reason we are here. Life on earth is just temporary... How can i bring glory to God:

1. Worshiping Him
2. Loving others
3. Becoming like Christ
4. Serving other with our gifts
5. Telling others about Him

Point to ponder : Its all about Him

Friday, November 12, 2010

Purpose Driven Life Day #6

Life is a temporary assignment

Yes !! Agree.
I've seen loved ones go, heard people i know suddenly passed away. Either you are sick or not sick, you will never know when you are going to die. But in reality, everyone will go through it. Not all of us will grow and become successful, own a lot of money, be happy, feel sadness, become popular or even be an athelete. But most of us will go through 2 things; being born and die.

When you see those we know leave us behind for good, you'll realise all the possesions and  loved ones are left behind. Some people might believe that is the end of it but most religion believe there is a life after here. So does mine. And i do believe there is. If you are not a believer but believe spirits and ghosts kindly explain why do they exists. Things that are unseen are hard for us to believe. That is why i think some people do not beleive in God. Others may be born a christian but most of them are just 'parking' themselves and following the crowd.

I am here on earth for just a little while...........

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Purpose Driven Life Day #5

Seeing Life from God's View

The way you see your life shapes your life. That is a good reminder. I see my life as there's no happiness in my work. My work really drag me down emotionally. I do not enjoy what i'm doing, I don't see the joy. I feel like a statue. Working in a big company, being the head in my department is not really what im after for. Some people might want to be on the top, showing others how successful they are, how brilliant they are, but as for me, i would want it just to be simple.

I have been down for the past few months. Pleading God that He may bring me away from all this. Then in a snap, i received another job offer. Wow that was a quick one. But decision is not as simple as ABC. If i were in my early twenties, yes, it would be nice to jump around, here and there, searching for what i want. Deep down in my heart, i know that im searching for something. It felt like there's a hole in my heart, like the big puzzle in life where i lost one piece.

This Chapter asks us about What is your view of life? Even up to this point i can't figure that out. Life for me is surely not a party (i do enjoy a good company) , its not a race (i'm not desperate to get to the top management), and to me its not a marathon. I'm just happy gathering with families, having just simple and relax life.

Point to ponder : Life is a test and trust
I accept that what happen in my life is a test from God. In times of us feeling down we can talk to anyone but the Word of God is the one who really can help us understand and feel better. Seeking for God's intervention something really test your patience, but they always say to be faithful for the reward is not here.

Question to consider :What happen to me recently that i now realize was a test from God?
I am very down emotionally becouse of work. Then I received  a new job offer and it is a very tough decision.

Verse to remember : Unless you are very faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Purpose Driven Life Day #4

Made to Last forever

Chapter 4 reminds us that life here on earth is just temporaly, that we should not focus on worldly things. I've heard about this and i would say its hard to apply with all the things going on in your environment.
I guess the main objective is, you do need some of the worldly needs but we have to also remember that it is just temporaly. Not to be greedy. But live in a simple way.

This chapter, to be honest, is kind of hard for me, i mean figuring out what does it really mean. From the surface i understand it is about God who has eternity plan for all. We are here on earth to as a practice ground for us, preparation for eternity. The book says that if your time on eartn were all there is to life, then start living it up ; stop being good and ethical, no need to worry about any consequences of your actions. You could indulge yourself in total self-centered becouse your actions would have no long term repurcussions....
Why hard for me : Becouse it really is very hard to maintain...

I've once from somewhere regarding 2 man talking about doing good and bad on earth.
A man was asking why do we need to obey God, to live in his likeness. Wouldn't it be a waste if we do all this for nothing? When we die we found out that there's no God. Like death is the end of it all. It would be such a waste, you could have just do whatever you like while on earth.
Another man came to reply. Yes If we do all the right things during our life on earth with the right purpose and when we die, we found that there's no God, there's no harm to it. But how would you feel when you die, and there is a God, and how your eternity looks like will be based on your life on earth.

The bible verse in the book  This world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever 1 John 2:17

Point to ponder : There is more to life than just here
Reminder to self : I would say i need to look forward for the next life and  not to worry about my problem on earth that much. God is always willing to help

Question to consider : Since I was made to last forever, what is the one thing I should stop doing and the one thing I should start doing today
My answer :  To stop complaining, put God first in everything and believe and i should start giving more. Tithing is one thing that i havent practice for a long time.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Purpose Driven Life Day #3

What Drives Your Life

1. Many people are driven by guilt
2. Many people are driven by resentment and anger
3. Many people are driven by fear
4. Many people are driven by materialism
5. Many people are driven by the need of approval

Based on these 5 point, i would say my life is basically driven by no.1 and no.3. The other 3, im so sure, doesnt play a big role
I have memories which in the future becomes one of my fear. But one thing for sure is that i never let my guilt make me disconnected from God. Sins are things that make me aware of the presence of God. I do make mistakes but at the end of the day or during that time, you'll always know you have done something wrong. It is a struggle to live a sinless life.
Things to remember :
We are products of our past but we don't have to be prisoners of it
Fear driven people often miss great opportunities becouse they are afraid to venture out. Fear is a self imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends you to be. You must move againts it with weapons of faith and love

After 40 chapters, i would want to have the benefits of purpose driven living. Why?
1. it gives me meaning
2. simplifies my life
3. focuses my life
4. motivates my life
5. prepares me for eternity

Point to ponder : Living on purpose is the path to peace

After reading the benefits of purpose driven life, there's a like deja-vu feeling - Like this is what i wanted and searching for quite somethime. I do know that we have to put our trust in God, I belive in Christ Jesus, i know that life on earth is just temporaly, all those things you read is like just at the back of your head but I do not know how to fit the puzzle. Its like a very big puzzle but missing a piece, and i feel i'm stuck.

The book says that without a clear purpose, you will keep changing directions, jobs, relationship, churches or other external, hoping each change will settle the confusion or fill the emptiness in your  heart. You may think, Maybe this time it will be different, but it doesn't solve your real problem - a lack of focus and purpose.
That is the dilema im facing at the moment. My job. After 2 years doing it, i dont see my purpose. i got other offfer, recomendations but when you pray , think and i believe God is directing me to tinkk all about this : Will it make you happy after this? Are you sure?
I pray and hope to get an answer soon, to find the piece i lost, to be able to see the bigger picture.